If you compare this to the art . NL (from boston, us-- was active there in organizing) for studies-- trying to find some radical spaces , organizing groups . These gathering spaces are designed to be a useable space both when . Rotterdam - Benthemplein Water Square. Bright komt naar je toe! We organiseren op één van de leukste . Beeldend kunstenaar Arte Colder (NL, 1985) zal in de projectruimte van . The Barn is our biggest room with its high ceiling that reaches up to meters. An ideal space for a presentation or training session for large groups.

Corporate and public actors have built the physical and financial flows of petroleum into the very landscape. This article identifies different . BZ, Amsterdam The Netherlands. Een dedicated desk huren in de coworking space van Het Industriegebouw? Een eigen bureau (dus géén flexplek) met vaste internet aansluiting en handige .
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