DUALSHOCK draadloze controller Gebruiksaanwijzing. Lees deze gebruiksaanwijzing en eventuele . Buy from Scan - Sony PlayStation New DualShock Black, Ergonomic Design, Touch Pa Back Front Facing Light Bar. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Sony PlayStation Dualshock VCUH - ZCT2E Gamepad - Black at the best online prices at . De DualShock CUH -ZCTwerd aangekondigd in 20ter vervanging van de CUH -ZCTcontroller die in 20werd vrijgegeven. Got it with my PSSlim that I bought recently.

Issue: ds4drv does not recognize some of the newer DSdevices, including CUH - ZCT2E. Expected behavior: ds4drv would recognize this . Cuh - Zct2E cena no 49. PSJOYSTICK BLACK CUH - ZCT2E.
Be the first to review this product. Mit RetroPie funktionieren alle DualShocks mit Kabel; kabellos ist die aktuelle CUHZCT2E -DS-4-Variante (mitgeliefert zu PS Slim und Pro) am einfachsten . Exclusive Mode Windows CUH - ZCT2E CUH-ZCT1E 054C:05C054C:09CC .
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